Pets name: Ambrose
Area: North Lanarkshire
Ambrose's story:
Two-year-old Ambrose is used to leaving his keepers home and going on outdoor adventures thanks to his cat flap. Unfortunately, one day he ventured a little too far and found himself lost. The keepers realised that he hadn't been home for a while and became alarmed by this as they knew something was wrong. The stress was enough to keep them up at night. Trying to remain calm the keepers acted with reason and done what they could to ensure Ambrose could be brought back home safely. This included updating their address details so if Ambrose's chip was scanned, he could be reunited correctly.
Fortunately, there was no need for any microchip scanning as Ambrose returned home after a week. Although he had lost some weight, he was in great condition and the keepers couldn't have been happier to see him. For peace of mind they decided to buy a tracker for Ambrose to reduce the chance of him going missing again. The keepers suggest keeping calm is essential when you find yourself in a situation such as this.
Keep your details up to date
We offer a Petlog Premium package for a one-off fee of £19.95. This allows the pet keeper to update their records as many times as is needed throughout the lifetime of their pet – that would be less than £2 per year. We don’t believe this is too much to pay for the peace of mind of knowing a pet is far more likely to be returned home if it went missing.
Microchipping will be a legal requirement for cats in England from 10 June 2024 and owners must register and keep contact details up to date on a microchipping database. If your cat is registered with Petlog, please check your details are up to date now.
If you haven’t created an online account with us since our March 2021 website upgrade, please do this before 10 June 2024.