Pets name: Luca
Area: Bristol
Luca's story:
Luca went missing from his keeper's home in Bristol around July of this year. As expected, this left the family devastated. Luca was one of two cats in the household, and since he went missing, his brother became very lonely. In an attempt to bring Luca back home, the keepers placed posters in the local area and used social media to spread awareness. Unfortunately, they did not hear anything back and Luca's whereabouts was still unknown. That was until one day, around four months from when he first went missing, the keepers received a call from a vet. Luca had been handed in by a lady who only lives a few roads away from the keepers.
This lady had known about Luca for a short while as he would often make himself comfortable in and around her home. However, she decided he needed to be checked by a vet which is when the microchip in Luca was discovered. The microchip helped the reunification process move swiftly and Luca was back with his keepers in no time. He is doing much better now that he is back home and reunited with his other cat friends.
The keepers suggest that others should make sure their cat is microchipped as it can save a lot of hassle if your pet does go missing. They also suggest taking any unfamiliar cats to a vet if they are constantly approaching you as they may be lost.
Keep your details up to date
We offer a Petlog Premium package for a one-off fee of £19.95. This allows the pet keeper to update their records as many times as is needed throughout the lifetime of their pet – that would be less than £2 per year. We don’t believe this is too much to pay for the peace of mind of knowing a pet is far more likely to be returned home if it went missing.
Microchipping will be a legal requirement for cats in England from 10 June 2024 and owners must register and keep contact details up to date on a microchipping database. If your cat is registered with Petlog, please check your details are up to date now.
If you haven’t created an online account with us since our March 2021 website upgrade, please do this before 10 June 2024.