Pets name: Tiny Cat
Tiny Cat's story:
Just before Tiny Cat's second birthday, he was unfortunately separated from his keepers which left them extremely worried. This was made worse after a week of searching nearby fields and checking nearby houses, but still having no sign of the whereabouts of their cat. As the weeks passed, the keeper's hopes began to dwindle but this never stopped their children from asking where their cat had gone. This was a question which had no suitable answer, until a year and a half later when the keepers received a call from a vet located five miles away from their location. Tiny Cat had been handed in and the vet was able to scan his microchip which provided the contact details to his keepers. After the successful reunification, Tiny Cat was described as being in great condition and had grown a lot since the family last saw him.
The keepers were extremely happy they made sure Tiny Cat was microchipped as they don't believe the reunification would have been possible without it. They believe that others should also ensure their pets are microchipped and if they stumble across a pet which may look lost, they should take it to a vet as it could allow the reunification of a child's best friend, just as described in this story.
Keep your details up to date
It is essential to keep your pet's information current to maximize the likelihood of reuniting with them if they become lost.
To facilitate this, we provide a Petlog Premium package that offers several benefits for a one-time fee of £19.95. With this package, pet keepers can easily update their records as many times as necessary throughout their pet's life. When you consider that this amounts to less than £2 per year, the cost is minimal compared to the peace of mind it brings. By taking advantage of this offer, you significantly enhance the likelihood that your beloved pet will be safely returned home if it ever goes missing.
Microchipping will be a legal requirement for cats in England from 10 June 2024 and owners must register and keep contact details up to date on a microchipping database. If your cat is registered with Petlog, please check your details are up to date now.
If you haven’t created an online account with us since our March 2021 website upgrade, please do this before 10 June 2024.